Harvard University reserved $233,540, for maintenance of buildings last year, and the amount actually expended was approximately this amount, it was shown by figures obtained yesterday from the Comptroller's office in Lehman Hall. Of this sum, $121,400. went to the annual upkeep of College property.
At the same time the expenditures for various running expenses of the College buildings, including dormitories, were given out. The caretaking item for the College dormitories, including maid and janitor service and incidentals, amounted to $106,500. Steam heat furnished each College room totaled $71,891. Water, furnished in any desired quantity with each room, drew $7,075 from the Harvard exchequer, and electricity for all lights in the College dormitories exclusive of those in private rooms, cost $8,606. Other expenditures of interest were: for operation of the Dunster Hall steam elevator, $885.; for laundry work for the College dormitories--linen for Summer School et cetera--$1730.
Annually a reserve is set aside for the repair and alteration of the various University buildings, a reserve which is calculated to approximate the total cost. Last year the largest reserve budget, next to that of the College, was set aside for the maintenance of the Business School, the sum amounting to $38,600. Next to that in the descending scale of upkeep expenditures came the Medical School plant with $22,500.; the University buildings--University Hall, Lehman Hall, and other non-departmental structures--with $9900., and the Athletic Association with $8600.
Upkeep on Appleton Chapel last year drew $1000. from the University treasury; on Phillips Brooks House, $750.; on the Fogg Art Museum, $3000.; on Peabody Museum, $1500.; on Widener Library, $6000.; on the Law School property, $5000.; on the Engineering Echool, $3790.; and on the School of Public Health building, $1100.
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