
The Student Vagabond

The following lectures are of interest today and tomorrow:


9 O'clock

"Anatole France," Professor Morize, Sever 17.

10 O'clock


"Washington's Policy of Neutrality," Mr. Baxter, Harvard 3.

"Ballads of Schiller," Dr. Silz, Sever 17.

"Dante's Inferno," (continued), Professor Grandgent, Sever 19.

12 O'clock

"The Nature of Protoplasm," Professor Rand, Zoology Laboratory 46.

2 O'clock

"Durer," Professor Paull, Fogg Museum.


9 O'clock

"Feudalism," Professor Merriman, New Lecture Hall.

"The Life and Times of Confucius," Professor Porter, Sever 25.

10 O'clock

"The Conquest of Mexico," Professor Haring, Harvard 3.

11 O'clock

"Mme, de Stael and Chateaubriand," Professor Allard, Emerson A.

12 O'clock

"The Meaning of 'Choice'," Professor Pigors, Emerson N.
