Members of the Class of 1932 will take a Hygiene course in many respects radically different from that given in past years. Dr. Alfred Worcester '78, Henry K. Oliver Professor of Hygiene, again will be in charge of the course, which all Freshmen are required to pass.
The greatest difference of this year's course from that of former years lies in the fact that the lectures will continue from the present time throughout the first half year, instead of ceasing at Thanksgiving as formerly.
Dr. Worcester has divided the class into three sections, meeting in Emerson D at 2 o'clock Wednesdays, Thursday, and Fridays, whereas hitherto the entire body of Freshmen has met in one group.
Besides those by Dr. Worcester himself, there will be lectures delivered by Dr. F. M. Findlay '22, assistant physician at Wadsworth House, and by Dr. F. W. Palfrey '98 of the Harvard Medical School Faculty. This too is a departure from the procedure of previous Hygiene classes, in which all the talks have been given by one man.
Weekly Quizzes to be Given
Dr. Worcester has also made a change in the manner in which the course is conducted. At the end of each lecture the students will be given printed questionnaires covering the talk just completed and containing five questions. One of these questoins will be the subject of a short quiz at the following meeting, and the questions on the final examination will also be taken from these question sheets. At the end of the course in February, a one-hour test will be given, to pass which a knowledge of the lectures will be necessary. A student who fails to receive a passing mark in the Hygiene course will be requested to repeat it, as it is impossible to get a degree without it.
Dr. Worcester, who succeeded Dr. R. I. Lee '02 as director of Freshman Hygiene in 1925, was one of the first surgeons to operate for appendicitis, and founded the Waltham Training School for Nurses.
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M. Koechlin Lectures Friday