

Harvard University Press Shows Large Increase in Work--Many Books Due This Fall

University presses throughout the country are entering upon an era of greater prosperity since they are now for the first time entering the field of the general publisher and coming into a position where they are able to compete with other publishing houses, according to a statement issued at the Harvard University Press yeserday. They are now doing a better business than at any other period during the last two or three years.

Increase in Interest Shown

This situation may be attributed in part to the increased interest such presses are arousing due to the fact that they are producing a wider distribution of publications. Formerly they were forced to struggle along as best they could with the handicap of printing only very heavy material and scholarly works of research which naturally had a small market.

The most important volumes which are as yet to appear are listed as follows:

"The Gests of Alexander of Macedon" edited by Francis P. Magoun. Jr. '16, assistant Professor of English will appear on November 1. This is the next book to be published by the Press and it will, be followed by such works as "Sit Thomas Malory" by Edward Hicks. "The Commonwealth and Restoration Stage" by Leslie Botson. Associate Professor of English in New York University. "John Gay's London" by William Henry Irving: "A Noble Rake the Life of Charles. Fourth Lord Mohun." by Robert S. Forsythe: "The Lance of Justice, a Semi-centennial History of the Legal Aid Society. 1876 to 1926' by John MacArthur Maguire, Professor of Law in Harvard University.
