Few Freshmen guilty of shouting the legendary cacophony of "Rheinhardt" from out their casements will be impressed by having to write that word five hundred times on a piece of paper subsequently to be handed to the dean. Yet this is the current quotation of the penalty attendant on this indiscretion, and rises of from five hundred to several thousand points are to be be looked for if the Freshmen capture the sense of humor which their proctors seem to have lost. With this report in mind it is not surprising to learn that the proctors of Smith Hall have decided that at least one of their number must be constantly on hand to quell any disturbance which may arise within the quadrangle. Nor is it astonishing to hear that on the one occasion of their combined absence this year, disgraceful proceedings were reported.
Just think of how the grown-ups in the dean's office must feel. They builded better than they knew when they selected as proctors individuals young enough to understand the child mind. The day may still be saved, however, if the idea is carried far enough. Incase the proctor's committee is at its wit's end, it may be well to offer a few suggestions. The writing-out idea is a good one especially as it may keep the proctors out of harms way correcting papers. After mid-years the stint will probably have to be extended op sentences of this nature, "I will not turn on the fire hose when I am intoxicated". Or perhaps something rhythmic would impress the boys more like, "round the rim of Hell the little rounder runs" or "only wasters date the waitresses."
If mere chirographic methods fail to be sufficiently drastic, the institution of a demerit system would seem in accordance with the plan thus far so nobly advanced. Boys with a hundred demerits would not be allowed to sing in the Jubilee, or worse still, would not be allowed to bring the girl who wrote that mushy daily letter. Any boys naughty enough to have two hundred demerits in the bug head proctors book would have to stand with a committee of proctors all the time the class picture was being taken and never have, the fun of throwing eggs at the Seniors.
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