The following review of the current issue of the Lampoon was written for the Crimson by C. C. Abbott '28, former president of the Advocate.
As the tumult and the shouting of the political campaign grows ever shriller and more mordant, Lampy seizes the opportunity to insinuate that these demi-gods who battle amid the rumblings of reform and the crash of platforms are but mortals after all. While the stentorian tones of our fire-eating friends from below the Mason and Dixon Line-and even from nearer home than that-clamor for just retribution to be exacted by a woefully wronged people, Lampy has the temerity to suggest that, "Another thing that Al could do that Moses Couldn't was look good in a brown derby." Though the efficiency experts of the G. O. P. shake wise and warning heads and whisper of depression and of rum-as though the two went hand in hand-Lampy still clings to his ageless boast that "Jests are better than a brain!" Doubtless Lampy is qualified to say, and certainly the jester is to be praised for publishing his convictions.
Admirable Insouciance Shown
Possibly certain earnest souls who take their politics as seriously as they do their humor will regret this lack of respect, will lament the thought that "the automobile and frigidaire companies dicate American politics, no matter who takes the trout-fishing trips." But on the other hand there is a certain admirable insouciance in the attitude, not wholly unrelated to that of Nero's fiddle-act, nor to the carefree independence of the man who fell asleep during Smith's inaugural address. And it will be a crusty gentleman indeed who cannot smile at the "Whispering Campaign" or "The Little White House in the East." It will be an even blinder" one who cannot find the connection between the figure of New York's first famous citizen and the face of her latest, so ably combined on the cover. The parody of Kipling's "If" is one of the best pieces of satire that has appeared in Lampy since, well, since the last campaign perhaps. The designer of the page or trench coats, has learned his lesson well from Punch, and should, if he pursues this train of humor through the Yard, furnish in the future a number of pleasant portraits.
Local David Assails Forensic Goliaths
We have long been accustomed 'o see our mightiest fall victims to the Jester's darts at times we have even fell them ourselves and it cannot be said to be wholly unpleasant to see the nation's forensic Goliaths suddenly assailed by the local David. Not all of the slings and arrows are impeccably directed, but undeniably certain of them sink into the statistical efficiencies and brown derbies of the present campaign.
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