

Milton, Newton, Wellesley Will be Visited--First Program Includes Ninth Symphony

The Harvard Glee Club, directed by A. T. Davision '06, associate professor of music, and organist and choir-master, announced last night at its offices the tentative schedule for the coming year. Following trials for accompanist after the Club rehearsal in Sever 11, tonight, preparation will get under way for the first concert, November 18.

Two concerts in Symphony Hall are decided on, while two other performances are not yet definitely dated. These are the Bloch Symphony, to be given some time during the winter, and the Chorus from the last act of Parsival some time during the spring.

Besides these, several concerts will be given in Cambridge or nearby, whose dates have not yet been determined. Milton, Newton, Wellesley, and other towns in the outskirts of Boston will be visited.

There will be no Christmas trip this year, but a spring vacation journey is now being planned to take its place.

The tentative schedule for the coming academic year is as follows: November 18  Ninth Symphony November 24  Yale Concert December 6  Symphony Hall Concert December 10  Milton Concert December 14  Newton Schools Concert March 4  Young People's Concert March 7  Second Symphony Concert March 19  Wheaton Concert April 4  Wellesley Concert April 5  Museum Concert
