

Harvard Band to March Between Halves of Army Game

The Harvard University Band, it has been tentatively announced, will not manoeuvre on Soldiers Field before the football game with West Point next Saturday but will confine its pre-game demonstration to the customary march up the field, going under both goal posts. The West Point cadets are scheduled to entertain the spectators with their drill until the start of the game.

When the cadets make their entry onto the field they will be accompanied by their own band which customarily plays during their drills. This band, however, is of a very different character from other college musical organizations, since it does not form its personnel from among the cadets but is composed of mature and experienced musicians who are paid by the Congress of the United States just for the purpose of furnishing music for the West Pointers march. This band will in all probability not execute any manoeuvres but as is its habit will march to one corner of the field and remain stationary until the completion of the drill.
