The disclosure of a forgery in the list of the Harvard Hoover for President Club may well be regarded as the climax of a campaign noted for its harsh feeling and outspoken whispers. The right minded will feel it doubly regrettable that this diablerie was discovered on the day that the Republican symbol was present, if not articulate, without the gates.
When the student participation was limited to amateur and indiscriminate pedestrianism in the torch light parades of both parties, such pranks might have been condoned. But with the publication of absentee voting regulations for students and inmates of soldiers' and sailors' homes, with the actual organization of clubs, with the compiling of lists of names, the donning of the toga virilis becomes a more serious responsibility.
Coming with a score of Cadillacs and a minimum of gestures the Republican standard bearer was met with a legally convictable crime against his name. The blame cannot fall upon the powerful local club that believes in prosperity. Rather does suspicion lie in other quarters. A student may, if he likes, believe in the "intentions" of Smith or the "Bolshevism" of Thomas, but such malefactions as this are hardly salve to the reputation of either aspirant.
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