

Old Gym Will be Rearranged for Law and Yard Students

The prospect of having a new gymnasium in the near future, immediately gives rise to the problem of the disposal of the old Hemenway gym.

Plans have been nearly settled for the reconditioning and rearranging of the building for use by the Law School students and men living in the Yard.

At present the University squash courts on Linden Street are overcrowded with the three upper classes and the Law School students all trying to use them. By installing new courts in Hemenway the congestion in Linden Street will be avoided, and the courts will be much more convenient.

The basket ball court will probably be left intact for use for Law School league games, and any Seniors who wish to play there. This will mean that the University has three good courts available at all times.

The Hemenway gymnasium is to be generally rearranged for informal sports and amusements, whereas the new building will contain University games and practices. The benefits of the new plan will be tremendous, and should do a great deal towards facilitating winter sports.
