Resulting from a series of debating tryouts held this week in New Lecture Hall, the final team has been chosen to meet the speakers from Boston College on the subject: "Resolved, That A1 Smith is eminently qualified for the presidency". F. W. Lorenzen '28, D. E. Scoll '28, and F. E. Shea '29, were appointed as the negative speakers for the debate, and Norman Winer '29, Brooks Otis '29, and J. N. Stensland '28 were appointed alternates.
At the same time negotiations for the debate with Columbia University were announced last night by E. M. Rowe 1L, debating team coach. All plans have been completed with the exception of deciding which sides the universities will take. This forensic battle will be on the same subject and will be held in New York a week from tonight.
The argument with Boston College will take place Wednesday night at 8.15 o'clock in Symphony Hall, and the speakers from University Heights will be Joseph Doyle, William Killion, and N. T. Scanlan.
So great was the demand for tickets for the debate at Boston College, that it was decided to issue them only to those making applications several weeks in advance, and already its quota has been taken. Harvard students still have ample opportunity to secure tickets to Symphony Hall for the argument, however, very few requests having come in at a late hour last night.
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