A new advisory system where by undergraduate members of the Harvard Engineering School may obtain expert graduate advice from men active in professional engineering is now being inaugurated.
The adviser is not to supply the student with a position, but is to give him advice as a friend even after the man has left college.
The work of the graduate adviser will be entirely individual. He will be supplied with a statement prepared by the student and a report from the Dean regarding the man's work in the School. Based on this and the experience of the adviser, who must be a graduate of at least ten years standing, it is believed that great help can be rendered to students and recent graduates.
The Faculty of the School and the officers of the Society feel that this activity will become one of the most important in the history of the Society, especially in helping the individual student to determine properly his field of endeavor.
It is hoped that large number of graduate members of the Society, who have been out of college for ten or more years, will register with the Secretary, as advisers are needed not only in every city of the country but also in every branch of engineering. The work will entail correspondence with the student and possible conferences, should the advisee be in the locality of the adviser. It is hoped also that graduate advisers will consult with friends and associates in broadening their own point of view in order to help a student.
Members of the school are urged to make applications for advisers to W. B. Updegraff '06, 75 West Street, New York City.
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