

Instrumentalists Stage Triumphant Tour of South and West--Bobby Jones Entertains Them

Nine cities in the South and West were included in the whilwind Christmas trip of the University Instrumental Clubs, whose concerts were heard by large and enthusiastic audiences in every stopping place. The outstanding feature of the trip was the placing of a wreath on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery, Washington. This ceremony, attended by a large part of the men on the trip, was performed by T. D. Howe '28, president of the clubs.

The first concert and dance given by the musicians was in the Sinton Hotel on Cincinnati and was under the auspices of the local Harvard Clubs. In St. Louis, scene of the next performance, the clubs combined with the Yale Glee Club for a joint performance, sponsored by the alumni of the two universities.

Travelling south the instrumentalists next played in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas Eve. There the clubs were taken in charge and entertained by the local Junior League. In Atlanta, Georgia, the next stop, the entire group on the tip was given all the privileges of the Athletic Club through the kindness of R. T. Jones Jr. '24, holder of the United States Open Golf Championship, and after the concert in the Women's Club, attended the annual dance at the piedmont Driving Club.

After a concert at the Bon Air-Vanderbilt Hotel in Augusta, Georgia, the clubs continued on to Pinechurst, N. C., for a performance in the Carolina Theatre and a dance at the Country Club. Following a long jump to Washington, D. C., they entertained at a concert in the Mayflower Hotel, under the auspices of the Harvard Club there.
