

Baseball Nine, Crew, and Band to Help Entertain Alumni--Sightseeing Trips Taken to Scenes of Interest

The thirtieth annual meeting of the Associated Harvard clubs will be held this year on May 17, 18, and 19 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it was announced last night by the executive committee to the CRIMSON. The meeting will be featured by the attendance of Harvard men from all over the world.

President Lowell will make two addresses at the gathering, and on the last day the Harvard baseball team and crew will meet the team and crew of the University of Pennsylvania. The University band will also be present.

The activities of the meeting will be divided into three divisions; business sessions, banquets and luncheons, and sporting events and excursions. Officers of the Association will be elected for the coming year.

It is expected that on the Sunday following the meeting many individual groups will take trips to points of interests about the city, to Valley Forge, and to Atlantic City.

The calendar for the meeting is as follows:


On Thursday, May 17, there will be a business meeting and luncheon for the Schools of Law, Architecture, Arts and Sciences, and Business. The luncheon will be followed by specially arranged excursions to local centers of the professions, and businesses which represent these schools. In the evening there will be a banquet, President Lowell being among the speakers.

On Friday, May 18, a general meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs will be held from 10 to 12 o'clock and from 2 to 4 o'clock. In the evening a banquet will be held at which President Lowell will speak again.

The morning of Saturday, May 19, will be devoted to sports and an excursion to some place in the country. In the afternoon there will be baseball game and a crew race between Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania. The meeting will close with a supper in the evening.
