The Division of the University Extension of the Massachusetts Department of Education, in cooperation with the Salon Francais de Boston, and the Alliance Francaise, is planning to give a course of five lectures in French in the Lecture Hall of the Boston, Public Library beginning Saturday January 28. The lectures will be held at 11 o'clock in the morning, and will be given on alternate Saturdays.
Among the speakers for the course will be Professor Koszul, exchange Professor at the University from Strasbourg, France; Professor Feuillerat, French visiting professor at Yale University, and M. M. Lacroix of the New England Conservatory of Music. Lacroix has announced that the subject of his lecture will be "French Songs". Although the other two men have been definitely secured to speak, the subjects of the lectures and the distribution has not been secured as yet.
The lectures will be open to the public, and a slight charge will be made to cover the necessary expenses.
The list of the lectures and their dates is as follows:
January 28-"Louis Pasteur", M. J. J. Champenois, Director of the Office des Universities Francaises.
February 11-Lecture and subject to be announced later.
February 25-"Readings from French Plays", M. P. Leyssac, actor.
March 10-Lecture and subject to be announced later.
March 24-Lecture and subject to be announced later.
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