

Recent Developments Furnish Themes For Five Talks-First to Be Held on February 23

The list of this year's series of annual lectures on important developments 'and discoveries in the field of Engineering has just been announced by Professor D. H. McLaughlin, professor of Mining Engineering at the University. The lectures will begin on Thursday, February 23, and will be given in 110 Pierce Hall, open to the public.

The addresses will be illustrated by lantern slides, exhibitions of inventions, and lecture table demonstrations. The purpose of the series of lectures will be to show and stimulate interest in the newest and most interesting developments in applied science.

The list of the lectures and speakers is as follows:

February 23-"The Telephone and How It Works". Professor A. E. Kennelly, Hon. '06, professor of Electrical Engineering.

March 1- "The Rusting of Iron and Its Prevention". Professor Albert Sauveur, Gordan McKay professor of Metallurgy and Metallography.


March 8-"Steam Locomotives", Professor H. N. Davis, professor of Mechanical Engineering.

March 15-"The Purification of Municipal Water Supply, with Special Reference to Cambridge", Professor M. C. Whipplo, assistant professor of Sanitary Chemistry.

March 22-"Gasoline", Professor J. B. Conant '13, professor of Chemistry.
