TODAY 9.15 O'clock Chemistry 6Sever 36 Classical Philology 33 Sever 30 Comp. Literature 17 hf Harvard 3 Economics 8a Appel-Fitzgerald Sever 8 Fors-Yeslawsky Sever 11 Economics 9b Harvard 2 Economics 10a Harvard 3 English 11a Sever 35 English 72 Abramson-Gore Memorial Hall Gowing-Zimmerman New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 9b Fogg Mus. French B Emerson F French 15 Emerson F Geology 10 Rotch Bldg. German 2 IV Sever 18 German 21 Sever 30 German 26a Sever 35 Government 25a Sever 18 Government 27a Sever 17 Greek A Sever 29 Greek G I Sever 30 History 23a History 30a Abbott-Bruce Harvard 3 Campopiano-McMaster Harvard 5 Main-Youngman Harvard 6 Indic Philology 2 Sever 35 Mathematics G Sever 35 Mathematics 10a Sever 36 Music 3 Aisner-Kaplan Sever 23 Landers-Zovitas Sever 24 Philosophy 6a Emerson J Philosophy 9c Emerson J Philosophy 27b Emerson A Physics B Emerson D Physics 1 Sever 5 Physics 17a Batchelder-Packard Sever 6 Pearson-Wyer Sever 7 Scandinavian 2 Sever 35 Semitic 2 Andover C Social Ethics 10 Emerson A
2 O'clock English 14 Emerson A Geology 4 Abbott-Elms Geol. Lect. Rm. Eppelsheimer-Wood New Lect. Hall Music 1b Emerson J Philosophy B Allen-Hodges Emerson D Holbrook-Molloy Emerson J Moody-Wyeth Memorial Hall
TOMORROW 9.15 O'clock Astronomy 3 Astron. Lab. Botany 3 Botan. Mus. 27 Chemistry 5 Sever 36 Comp. Literature 30 Sever 5 Comp. Philology 1 Sever 36 Economics 2 Alcock-Garbose Sever 17 Glardino-Lockwood Sever 18 Long-Reid Sever 20 Reis-Yu Sever 23 Education A Emerson J Engin. Sciences 5a Pierce 304 Fine Arts 2a Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 5c Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 15b Fogg Mus. French 30 Andrade-Gibb Sever 32 Glenn-Wooley Sever 35 Geology 19 Sever 11 German 1c Harvard 5 German 4 Sever 8 Government 1 Mr. Boyd, B1, B2, B3 New Lect. Hall Mr. Dealey, D1, D2. New Lect Hall Mr. Hindmarsh, F1, F2, F3 New Lect. Hall Mr. Houser, H1, H2, Harvard 5 Mr. Hurd, A1, A2, A3 New Lect. Hall Mr. Padelford, P1 New Lect. Hall Mr. Sinclair, S1, S2, S3 Memorial Hall Mr. Vickers, V1, V2, V3 Memorial Hall Mr. Wild, W1, W2, W3 Harvard 6 Greek G II Sever 30 Greek 8 Sever 29 History 36 Sever 30 Italian 3 Sever 19 Mathematics A IV Harvard 2 Mathematics C III Sever 6 Mathematics 3 Sever 24 Mathematics 35 Sever 29 Music 1c Music Bldg. Physics 4a Sever 11 Psychology 1 Abel-Cohn Emerson A Coleman-Wolff Emerson D Semitic 7 Emerson D Slavic 1a Sever 29 Social Ethics 6 Emerson A Spanish 2 Geol. Lect Rr. Zoology 3 Geol. Lect. Rm.
2 O'clock English 7 New Lect. Hall Zoology 1 Allen-Pease Geological Lecture Room Perlenfein-Zawacki Semitic Mus 1
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