

The Test of Experience

Yale and Harvard have two different views on organized football scouting. With us the plan has worked. Before it was started, Harvard did not like it.

Yale has tried non-scouting two years with Princeton and one with all its other football rivals. In but one instance has any suspicion arisen and that in a quarter where mistrust of the plan was preconceived. The game is simplified. Extraneous machinery is eliminatel. It is less expensive. Initiative and self reliance are encouraged. Secret practice periods are minimized and continued student interest is stimulated. Non-scouting forces a team to concentrate on fundamentals. It was a decided factor in the success of the Yale team this year. This is our experience with the plan.

In Boston it looks different. Victories were less numerous. Innovations such as non-scouting were not attractive. The good will and sincerity of other universities in their relations did not always seem to predominate. Harvard does not like the system and is abandoning it. She has a perfect right to her own opinion. We respect her, because to her the plan appears in a different light. With the passing of time, a broadening of experience, and a possible change of perspective, the present evils of suspicion and mistrust that now attend the non-scouting policy may be less pronounced.

Meanwhile. Yale's probable stand in regard to this policy is fairly certain since already four opponents have expressed a desire to continue non-scouting agreements next year. The Yale News.
