The Museum of Comparative Zoology will be closed for a period of several weeks beginning today, in order that changes and improvements which have been under way for some time may be put through more speedily. Painters, carpenters, and movers have been at work, but much remains to be done before the Museum will assume what might almost be called its new form, certainly a new appearance.
The completion of the new heating plant, which will serve practically all the University buildings north of the College Yard, has made it possible for the Museum authorities to take out of the basement the great steam boilers, and the space thus vacated will be used for storing the scientific publications of the University until they are distributed among subscribers and the institutions with which the Museum makes exchanges. The walls of rooms have been painted, with the result that the whole interior has been freshened and brightened.
More important still are the rearrangement and reclassification, of the collections so that they will be more easily accessible.
A gallery on the second floor of the Museum has been floored over and the room thus created will be used as an addition to the library, which has been greatly overcrowded.
The other departments of the University Museum will be open as usual during the period in which the Museum of Comparative Zoology is closed.
Among the new appointments at the Museum are: Ludlow Griscom, A.M., formerly with the American Museum of National History, research collector in zoology; Frederic H. Kennard '08, and Arthur C. Bent '89, associates in ornithology; Henry C. Stetson '23, A.M. '26, assistant curator of paleontology.
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