

Figures Obtained From Statements of Graduates-Manufacturing Draws Largest Number

An increase over last year of $50,000 is shown in the known salaries of Harvard men receiving positions in 1927, in a report just issued by the Alumni Appointment Office. It was anonunced recently by J. R. Hamlen '04, General Secretary. The report included only men who were placed by The Alumni Appointment Office, the Faculty, and the various Harvard Clubs. No report of the number of men entering the teaching Profession was made. The combined efforts of the three departments were responsible for 448 men being sutuated. Of this number slightly more than half have reported what salaries they are earning.

Manufacturing drew the largest number of men, 74 graduates having chosen to enter this Profession. Finance came next with a total of 73 electing to pursue a career in the field. Telephone and Telegraph work was third in order, 31 and 18 students respectively taking up this form of occupation.

In a statement in the 1927 issue of the annual report, Hamlen says, "The office is constantly endeavoring to broaden its scope and contacts, to extend its faculities to business houses throughout the country, and 40 assist those graduates who have not yet found satisfactory positions. To do this more effectively it must depend upon the continued interest of the alumni and the employers. It is hoped that the alumni, especially, will keep the Appointment Office actively in mind, the notify its Secretary whenever there are openings in their own organizations, or any others. The source of such information can be kept confidential if desired. The sole aim of the Staff is not to place the greatest number of men, but to help with advice and general information, so that each man may obtain the right positions."

The Alumni Appointment Office was instrumental in securing positions for 174 men last year, and all have reported what salaries they are earning. The total is $310,408. The Business School placed 168 men last year, but no salaries have been reported as yet. The Engineering School placed 16 graduates, all of

whom have submitted what salaries they are receiving. These total $29,760. Ten students secured positions through the School of Architecture, and reported that their salaries amounted to $26,000. The School of Landscape Architecture placed 12 men, of which number eight have reported a total of $21,116 as the amount that they are making. The departments of Biology and Botany placed three men who are now earning $10,800. The departments of Chemistry, Fine Arts, Forestry, Geology and Geography, petrography, Mineralogy, Government, Physical Sciences, Social Ethics and Zoology aided 51 men in securing positions, of which number 45 have reported that they ahe earning $106,080. The Harvard Clubs throughout the country report that they have placed 20 men, and 17 of them report that they are earning $43,060. Of the 448 Alumni situated 273 have reported their aggregate salaries to be $552,452
