THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 (XIII) Anthropology 2Peabody Mus. 22 Chemistry B Geol. Lect. Rm. Comp. Literature 6a Sever 5, 6, 11 Economics A Mr. Bigelow, O, Y Memorial Hall Mr. Brown, L, P Memorial Hall Dr. Chamberlin, B Memorial Hall Mr. De Chazeau, G, Q, Z Harvard 5 Mr. Johnson, C, H, R New Lect. Hall Mr. Kreps, A, S, BB Harvard 6 Mr. Parsons, I, T New Lect. Hall Mr. Stratton, D, U New Lect. Hall Mr. Taylor, E, F Harvard 2 Mr. Wernetts, J, V Memorial Hall Mr. White, K, M, W New Lect. Hall Mr. Winslow, N, X New Lect. Hall Economics 4a Emerson A, D English 40 Sever 6 Fine Arts 1a Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 2b Fogg Mus. German 8 Sever 30 German 9 Emerson A Government 4 Sever 36 Government 5 Sever 30 Government 13b Sever 23, 24 Greek B II Sever 30 History 7 Emerson J History 57 Harvard 3 Italian 10 Sever 18 Mathematics 2 I Sever 29 Mathematics 13 Sever 24 Mineralogy 8 Geol. Mus. 22 Music 5 Sever 6 Philosophy 9a Emerson A, F Slavic 2a Sever 29 Spanish 7 Sever 18 Spanish 9 Sever 30
FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 (VIII) Celtic 3 Emerson D Chemistry 10 Emerson A English 4 Emerson D Fine Arts 14c Fogg Mus. German A Dr. Howe, 2 Memorial Hall Dr. Herrick, 1, 10, 15 Memorial Hall Mr. Hawkes, 13, 19 Memorial Hall Mr. Gausewitz, 17, 21 Harvard 2 Mr. Henry, 7, 8 Harvard 5 Mr. Euler, 12, 23 Harvard 6 Mr. Holdermann, 14 New Lect. Hall Mr. Johnston, 5, 9 New Lect. Hall Mr. Kurath, 16, 20 New Lect. Hall Mr. McCoy, 6 New Lect. Hall Dr. Mezger, 18, 22 New Lect. Hall Mr. Palmer, 4, 24 New Lect. Hall German D Emerson D Philosophy 12 Emerson D Social Ethics 27 Emerson A 2 O'CLOCK Engineering Sciences 3 Pierce 302 SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 (XII) Anthropology 4 Geol. Lect. Rm. Biology A New Lect. Hall, Sem. Mus. 1 Chemistry 11 Geol. Lect. Rm. Chinese 2 Sever 18 Classical Philology 22 Sever 18 Economics 12a Sever 29 English 28 Memorial, New Lect. Hall Economics 38 Sever 18 English 33 Emerson D French 6 Professor Morize, 1 Harvard 2 Professor Allard, 2 Harvard 2 Mr. Webster, 3 Harvard 5 Mr. Raiche, 4 Harvard 6 Mr. Lincoin, 5 Harvard 6 Geology 14 Sever 29 History 13 Old Fogg Lect. Rm. Greek 2 Sever 30 History 15 Sever 30 History 28 Geol Lect Rm. Hist. of Science 1 Sever 35 Italian 1 Sever 23, 24 Mathematics A V Sever 17 Mathematics C V Memorial Hall Mathematics 24a Sever 24 Music 4 Pierian Room. Glee Club Rm. Philosophy 4 Emerson A, F Physics D Sever 5, 6, 11 Physiology 1 Sever 36 Physics 2a Harvard 3 Physics 15 Sever 36 Romance Philology 3 Harvard 5 Semitic 19 Sever 29 Social Ethics 1a Emerson J MONDAY, JANUARY 23 (XVI) Economics 32 Harvard 6 English A Mr. Bowers, 6, 11 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Coues, 7, 21 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Carpenter, 8 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Dewey, 4, 20 New Lect. Hall Mr. Bushnell, 14 New Lect. Hall Mr. Harvey, 17 New Lect. Hall Mr. Keogh, 3, 16 New Lect. Hall Mr. Moore, 2, 18 New Lect. Hall Mr. Smyser, 19, 22 New Lect. Hall Mr. Black, 1 Memorial Hall Mr. McMullen, 5, 10, 15 Memorial Hall Mr. Raymond, 9, 12 Memorial Hall Mr. Wright, 13 Memorial Hall Fine Arts 5e Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 15f Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 17 Fogg Mus. French 10 Harvard 5 French 26 Harvard 6 Government 23 Harvard 6 History 5a Harvard 5 History 42 Emerson A Latin 3 hf Sever 18 Latin 7 hf Sever 18 Music 1a Music Bldg. Music 1b Music Bldg. Psychology 12 Emerson A Semitic 4 Andover C 2 O'clock French 13 hf Emerson D Spanish 1 Emerson D TUESDAY, JANUARY 24 (V) Chemistry 6 Sever 36 Classical Philology 33 Sever 30 Comp. Literature 17 hf Harvard 3 Economics 8a Sever 8, 11 Economics 9b Harvard 2 Economics 10a Harvard 3 English 11a Sever 35 English 72 Memorial, New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 9b Fogg Mus. French B Emerson F French 15 Emerson F Geology 10 Rotch Bldg. German 2 IV Sever 18 German 26a Sever 35 Government 25a Sever 18 Government 27a Sever 17 Greek A Sever 29 Greek G 1 Sever 30 History 23a Sever 30 History 30a Harvard 3, 5, 6 Indic Philology 2 Sever 35 Mathematics G Sever 35 Mathematics 10a Sever 36 Music 3 Sever 23, 24 Philosophy 6a Emerson J Philosophy 9c Emerson J Philosophy 17b Emerson A Physics B Emerson D Physics 1 Sever 5 Physics 17a Sever 6, 7 Scandinavian 2 Sever 35 Semitic 2 Andover C Social Ethics 10 Emerson A 2 O'clock English 14 Emerson A Geology 4 Geol. Lect Rm., New Lect. Hall Philosophy B Emerson D. J. Memorial Hall WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 (XI) Astronomy 3 Astron. Lab. Botany 3 Botan. Mus. 27 Chemistry 5 Sever 36 Comp. Literature 30 Sever 5 Comp. Philology 1 Sever 36 Economics 2 Sever 17, 18, 20, 23 Education A Emerson J Engin. Sciences 5a Pierce 304 Fine Arts 2a Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 5c Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 15b Fogg Mus. French 30 Sever 32, 35 Geology 19 Sever 11 German 1c Harvard 5 German 4 Sever 8 Government 1 Mr. Boyd, B1, B2, B3 New Lect. Hall Mr. Dealey, D1, D2. New Lect. Hall Mr. Hindmarsh, F1, F2, F3 New Lect. Hall Mr. Houser, H1, H2, Harvard 5 Mr. Hurd, A1, A2, A3 New Lect. Hall Mr. Padelford, P1 New Lect. Hall Mr. Sinclair, S1, S2, S3 Memorial Hall Mr. Vickers, V1, V2, V3 Memorial Hall Mr. Wild, W1, W2, W3 Harvard 6 Greek G H Sever 30 Greek 8 Sever 29 History 36 Sever 30 Italian 3 Sever 19 Mathematics A IV Harvard 2 Mathematics C III Sever 6 Mathematics 3 Sever 24 Mathematics 35 Sever 29 Music 1c Music Bldg. Physics 4a Sever 11 Psychology 1 Emerson A, D Semitic 7 Emerson D Slavic 1a Sever 29 Social Ethics 6 Emerson A Spanish 2 Geol. Lect. Rr. Zoology 3 Geol. Lect. Rm. 2 O'clock English 7 New Lect. Hall Zoology 1 Geol. Lect. Rm., Senr. Mus. 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 (VII) Botany 2 Sever 17 Chemistry 1 Sever 35 Chemistry 18 Sever 18 Classical Philology 37 Sever 30 Economics 3 New Lect. Hall Economics 11 Harvard 6 English 61 Sever 30 French 11 Sever 30 French 27 Sever 23 German F Sever 23 Government 6 Harvard 5 History 31 Sever 30 History 50 Sever 18 History 60 Sever 23 Indic Philology 1a Sever 17 Italian 7 Sever 17 Latin A 1 Sever 18 Mathematics A III Harvard 6 Philosophy 8a Emerson J Psycholoy 11 Emerson J Slavic 4 Sever 6 Social Ethics 3 Emerson J Zoology 6a Sever 5 2 O'CLOCK (XVII) Botany 10 Memorial Hall French 2 Prof. Whittem, 1 Memorial Hall Mr. Francon, 2, 14 Memorial Hall Mr. Pillionnel, 7 Memorial Hall Mr. Mellor, 6, 11, Emerson D Mr. Salmon, 8, 9 Emerson D Mr. Chapard, 4 Emerson J Mr. Raiche, 5 Emerson J Mr. Montsie, 15 New Lect. Hall Mr. Parcell, 12 New Lect. Hall Mr. Raphael, 13, 17, New Lect. Hall Mr. Roberts, 16 New Lect. Hall Mr. Saintonge, 3, 10 New Lect. Hall Greek 3 hf Emerson A Greek 7 hf Emerson A Social Ethics 25 Emerson A FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 (XIV) Chinese 3 Sever 17 Comp. Literature 8 Sever 30 Comp. Literature 22 Sever 11 Economics B New Lect. Hall Economics 8b Sever 17 English E Emerson D English 78 Sever 6 English 83 Sever 11 Fine Arts 4a Robinson Hall Geology 11 Rotch Bldg. Government 17a Harvard 6 Government 18a Sever 35 Greek 15a Sever 30 History 66 Sever 30 History of Religions 1a Sever 5 Latin A II Sever 17 Latin B III Sever 18 Mathematics 12a Sever 18 Philosophy 3b Emerson J Physics C Emerson, A, F. D Physics 3a Sever 36 Scandinavian 1 Sever 30 Social Ethics 8 Emerson J Zoology 17 New Lect. Hall 2 O'CLOCK English 35a New Lect. Hall, Mem. Hall SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 (III) Anthropology 5a Memorial Hall Astronomy 1 New Lect. Hall Botany 7 Gray Herb. Chinese 4 Sever 30 Classilal Philology 44 Sever 30 Economics 1a Harvard 5 Economics 7a Harvard 6 Economics 31 Sem. Mus. 1 English 82 Sever 30 French 9 Sever 23, 24 Geography 6 Geol. Lect. R. Geology 13 Geol. Lect. R. Geology 15 Geol. Lect. R. German 1a II Old Fogg Lect. R. German 2 II, III Sever 11 German 3a Sem. Mus. 1 German 12a Sever 8 Government 8 Sever 6 Greek B 1 Sever 30 History 10a Harvard 2, 3 History 12 Memorial Hall History 56 Harvard 3 Latin 12 Sever 18 Mathematics A II Prof. Beatley, 1 Sever 17, 18 Mr. Brown, 2 Sever 19 Mr. Wexler, 3 Sever 20 Mathematics C II Dr. Stone, 1 Sever 32, 36 Mr. Hedlund, 2 Sever 35 Mr. Cairns, 3 Sever 35 Mr. Peterson, 4 Sever 32 Mathematics 4 Sever 29 Mathematics 8 Harvard 5 Meteorology 1 Geol. Lect. R. Mineralogy 2 Geol. Lect. R. Music 6 Sem. Mus. 1 Philosophy A Emerson A. D. J. Philosophy 8 Emerson A Physics 18 Sever 30 Semitic 5 Andover Semitic 16 Sever 24 Zoology 5 Sem. Mus. 1 MONDAY, JANUARY 30 (IV) Anthropology 10 Peabody Mus Anthropology 17 Sever 30 Botany 11 Memorial Hall Celtic 1 Sever 30 Chemistry A Harvard 2, 3, 5, 6 Chemistry 3a Sever 5, 6 Chemistry 21 Sever 6 Comp. Literature 25 Emerson D Economics 14 Emerson D Engin. Sciences 7c Pierce 304 Engin. Sciences 10 Pierce 202 English 3a Emerson D English 29b Sever 11 Fine Arts 1c Fogg. Mus. Fine Arts 1g Robinson Hall French 8 Memorial Hall Geology 8 Geol. Lect. R. German 1b Emerson D German 5 Geol. Lect. R. German 6 Emerson D Government 9b Sem. Mus., 1 Greek 12 Sever 30 History 9 Emerson J History 24a Emerson J History 32a New Lect. Hall History 39 Sever 29, 31, 32 History 64 Emerson F Latin B Prof. Rand, 1 Sever 17, 18 Mr. Peterkin, 2 Sever 18 Latin 1 Sever 20 Mathematics C I Sever 36 Mathematics 2 III Sever 35 Mathematics 5a Sever 23, 24, 29 Music 3a Glee Club Rm. Philosophy 7 Andover D Physics 4c Geol. Lect. Rm. Physics 14 Geol. Lect Rm.Psychology 24 Emerson ASemitic 1 Emerson FSemitic 13 Emerson ASpanish 5 Emerson FTUESDAY, JANUARY 31 (IX)Comp. Literature 14 New Lect. HallEconomics 15 New Lect. HallFine Arts 11 Fogg Mus.Fine Arts 15a Fogg Mus.French A Emerson DFrench 1 New Lect. HallFrench 22 hf Emerson DHistory 21 Emerson DSemitic 15 Emerson D2 O'clockEngin. Sciences 3b Robinson HallGerman B Sever 5History 27 Sever 5Semitic 14 Sever 5WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (II)Chemistry 16 Sever 30Classical Philology 52 Sever 18Economics 41 Sever 17Education C Sever 36English 1 Sever 5, 6, 11English 23 Harvard 2, 3Fine Arts 1f Robinson HallFine Arts 2c Fogg Mus.Fine Arts 2d Fogg Mus.Geology 7 Emerson FGerman 1a I Old Fogg Lect. Rm.German 2 I Sever 8German 21 Sever 36Government 19 Sever 23, 24, 30History B Sever 17History 1Mr. Clarke, sects. 1, 29 New Lect. HallMr. Cram, 2, 36 and conf. group I New Lect. HallMr. Dow 3, 13 and conf. group II Memorial HallMr. Durand, conf. group III Harvard 5Mr. Evans, 5, 37 and conf group IV Memorial HallMr. Gideonse, sect. A and conf. group V New Lect. HallMr. Gratwick, 4, 15, 25, 26 Harvard 6Mr. Jordan, sect. C and conf. group VI New Lect. HallMr. McDonald, 9, 28 and conf. group VII Geo. Lect. Rm.Mr. Osborne, 12, 17 Geol. Lect. Rm.Mr. Scramuzza, sect. B and conf group VII New Lect. HallDr. Taylor, 6 and conf. group IX Memorial HallHistory 3a Sem., Mus. 1History 18 Sem. Mus. 1Italian 2 Emerson A, F.Latin 8 Sever 18Mathematics A I Sever 29Mathematics 2 II Sever 35, 36Mathematics 26 Sever 18Mineralogy 14 Mineral. Lab.Music 2 Old Fogg Lect. Rm.Philosophy 1a Emerson D, JPhilosophy 13a Emerson JPhilosophy 33 Emerson JSemitic 9 Old Fogg Lect. Rm.2 O'clockAnthropology 1 New Lect. HallChemistry 2 New Lect. HallSocial Ethics A Emerson DSocial Ethics 26 Emerson DTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (X)Chemistry 14a hf Emerson DFrench 28 hf Emerson DMilitary Science 1 New Lect. HallMilitary Science 3 Emerson JNaval Science 1 Emerson DNaval Science 2 Emerson DFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 (XV)Chemistry 22 New Lect. HallFine Arts 3a Robinson HallMilitary Science 2 New Lect. HallMilitary Science 4 New Lect. HallSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 (VI)Botany 6b New Lect. HallFrench 3 New Lect. HallFrench 4 II New Lect. HallRomance Philology 5 hf New Lect. Hal