

Lettermen Available for Every Berth Except Catcher--Harvard Club to Give Annual Dinner to 16 Men

Eight lettermen will compose the nucleus of this year's baseball squad, forming a complete team with only the catcher missing. Practice will begin on February 20 for pitchers, whereas the other players are scheduled to report on March 5.

A tentative dinner has been planned by the Harvard Club of Boston, to which all men who have received an H in baseball are invited.

Coach F. C. Mitchell will again take charge of the University outfit. Much, of the practice will be held in the new Le Baron Russell Briggs Baseball Cage.

The veterans who will return to the diamond are Captain H. W. Burns '28, center field, J. P. Chase '28, second base or left field, F. B. Cutts '28, pitcher, J. N. Barbee '28 pitcher, W. W. Lord '28, first base or left field, R. C. Sullivan '28, shortstop, G. E. Donaghy '29 short stop or third base, and W. B. Jones '28, right field.
