After a final debating tryout held yesterday the speakers who are to represent the University in the argument with Columbia University were announced last night by E. M. Rowe 1L, debating coach. The team will consist of T. N. Stensland '28, Brooks Otis '28, and Norman Winer '29. Saul Rosenzweig '29, A. L. Raffa ocC., and Barrett Williams '28 will serve as alternates. Lack of time to use the old method of choosing a team forced Rowe to adopt a new system of selection.
The subject for the debate will be the same as that discussed Wednesday night in Symphony Hall with the Boston College team: "Resolved, That A1 Smith is eminently qualified for the presidency." The Columbia Debating Council will take sides with A1 Smith in the argument, while the University speakers will again argue that he is not of presidential calibre.
Although the Harvard speakers are again defending the negative they will have a new plan of attack in the forensic battle tomorrow night. Rowe chose the new team with this idea in view, selecting the team from the men who were retained on the squad in the last competition put failed to make the last team.
Both teams have had varied success in their debating contests. The Harvard speakers recently won the Intercollegiate Triangular. Debate, but were defeated by the Boston College team. The New York team has defeated several Eastern colleges and universities this winter.
The debate will be held in New York tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium of the Horace Mann School. The Harvard speakers and debating team manager will leave tonight for New York. They will be entertained at Columbia University by members of the debating team there.