


Documentary evidence of the complete success of the Reading Period experiment at Harvard was secured yesterday through the unstinting efforts of Mr. Ward, of the Watch and Ward Society. Leading authorities concurred last night in the belief that the recently-discovered manuscripts throw invaluable light on the social, economic, and political trend of the times, besides providing interesting material bearing on the attitude of modern youth toward education.

Rollo Holliday, Harvard undergraduate, was found early yesterday in a shovel of coal in the Boston and Maine railroad yards in Somerville. He was in a state which was pronounced by an ambulance surgeon to boarder closely on torpor, but more experienced, if less technical, observers asserted that he was merely out. No further explanation of this term was offered. It was accepted without question by the police.

At the station house, young Holliday refused to give his name. He was unable to account for his presence in the shovel, or to give any logical excuse for himself. Friends, summoned by the police, said that he had been in a state of exhiliration for days, but that they had no reason to suspect his actions to be more than normal. Documents in his pockets led police to believe that information on the case may be gained elsewhere, and the New York authorities have been apprised of the circumstances.

Holliday is being held for observations, which are held every clear weekday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. As a parting gift, the prisoner thrust upon the CRIMSON reporter the document reprinted below. Except for the fact that only one receipt is listed, against many disbursments, the paper might appear to be a personal cash account. Room at Hotel Woodstock  $ 5.00 Telephoned home 12 times  11.30 Repairs to dignity (especially trousers)  6.50 Taxi to Ferroni's  2.10 Refreshments at Ferroni's  20.00 A6. A8, Booth Theatre  17.00 Taxi to Booth Theatre  3.20 Lady in A4, Booth Theatre (settled out of court)  23.40 Lady in A8, Booth Theatre (Heart Balm)  7.70 Taxi to Madison Avenue and 84th St.  1.40 1 Pane glass (billed)  2.15 1 Broken heart (cooed)  .63 Smelling salts for hostess  1.00 Refreshments  5.00 (Entry illegible)  33.00 Refreshments  5.00 Taxi, 2 blocks, protested by driver  .15 Received from driver for vacating cab  2.00 Milk, wagon to 5th Ave. and 43rd St.  10.00 2 bottles Grade A.  .40 1 Riding habit, borowed from milkman  12.00 1 Horse, gallop in Vanderbilt Ave.  5.00 Fine and Costs  13.00 Bench in Grand Central Experience Train to Northfield, Vt., by mistake  14.40 Refreshments at Northfield, Vt. (also by mistake)  5.00 Aspirin  .15 Return train to Bratteboro. Vt.,  3.47 Handear to Northfield, Mass.  19.62 Reputation lost in Northfield. Mass.  02 Heart balm again  25.00 Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care  3.00 The rest is silence.
