Henry Pennypacker "88, chairman of the Harvard Faculty Committee on Admission, will begin next week a trip which will continue through two months and take him to many of the leading cities in the West and Far West and also to the Hawaiian Islands. He will speak in the schools, confer with teachers and school superintendents, and incidentally talk to the Harvard Clubs in the communities which he will visit. Mr. Pennypacker's prime object is to make educators and pupils familiar with the entrance requirements of the Eastern colleges and with other subjects related to college entrance.
Mr. Pennypacker, who was for several years before taking over his present post, headmaster of the Boston Latin School, has taken similar trips in connection with his University duties, but this year's trip will be longer and will carry him further afield than any of the others. So far as is known, his visit to Honolulu will be the first made to the Islands by any member of the Harvard Faculty in his official capacity.
Mr. Pennypacker's itinerary follows:
Cincinnati, January 17-19. Louisville, January 19-21. St. Louis, January 23-24. Kansas City, January 25-26. Denver, January 28-30. Salt Lake City, January 31-February 1. Los Angeles, San Diego and Pasadena, February 2-6. Santa Barbara and Ojai, February 7-9. San Francisco, February 10-11. Honolulu, February 15-24. Seattle, March 5-6. Portland, Ore., March 7-8. Spokane, March 9-10. Minne apolis and St. Paul. March 12-14. Mil waukee, March 15-16.