


With the opening today of four new basketball tournaments, a greater number of men will be playing basketball than has ever been recorded in the history of the University, it was stated last night by A. W. Samborski '25, director of intramural athletics. In the four leagues there will be a total number of 25 teams playing in the tournaments, and the first game will be held tonight when the Alpha Mu Sigma Fraternity plays the Falcon Club at 9 o'clock in the Freshman Gymnasium. The schedules for the various tournaments have just been received by all teams represented.

The interclub and interfraternity teams have been divided into two leagues instead of one, because of the large number participating in the competition. The Alpha league of the interfraternity tournament will play its games every evening at 0 o'clock in the Freshman Gymnasium. The Beta league of the same tournament will hold its contests on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7 to 10 o'clock at Hemenway Gymnasium. The interclass meet will be staged on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2.15 to 3.45 o'clock, and the intra-University tournament will be played on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 2 to 5 o'clock in Hemenway Gymnasium, there being three games of one hour's duration each day.

The list of tournaments, their respec-

tive teams, and the dates on which they will play, are as follows:

Intra-University Tournament



11--Law 1A vs. Law 3 Law 1B vs. Law 2 Arts and Sciences vs. Business 2

13--Law 2 vs. Law 3 Law 1A vs. Business 1 Law 1B vs. Business 2

16--Law 1B vs. Business 1 Arts and Sciences vs. Law 3 Law 2 vs. Business 2

18--Law 2 vs. Arts and Sciences Law 1A vs. Law 1B Business 1 vs. Business 2

20--Law 1B vs. Law 3 Law 2 vs. Business 1 Law 1A vs. Business 2

23--Law 1A vs. Arts and Sciences Law 1B vs. Law 2 Law 3 vs. Business 2

Inter-Class Tournament


10--1928 vs. 1929 1930 vs. 1931

12--1928 vs. 1930 1929 vs. 1931

17--1929 vs. 1930 1931 vs. 1928


7--1931 vs. 1930 1929 vs. 1928

9--1931 vs. 1929 1930 vs. 1928

14--1928 vs. 1931 1930 vs. 1929

16--1928 vs. 1929 1930 vs. 1931

21--1928 vs. 1930 1929 vs. 1931

23--1929 vs. 1930 1931 vs. 1928

28--1931 vs. 1930 1929 vs. 1928


1--1931 vs. 1929 1930 vs. 1928

6--1928 vs. 1931 1930 vs. 1929

8--1928 vs. 1929 1930 vs. 1931

13--1928 vs. 1930 1929 vs. 1931

15--1929 vs. 1930 1931 vs. 1928

Inter-Fraternity Tournament



10--Alpha Mu Sigma vs. Falcon Club 11--Kappa Nu vs. Kappa Sigma 12--Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phike Club 13--Alpha Mu Sigma vs. Trident Club 16--Faloon Club vs. Kappa Sigma 17--Kappa Nu vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon



10--Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Phi Epsilon Pi Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Sigma Omega Psi Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Delta Upsilon

12--Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Tau Delta Phi Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Epsilon Pi vs. Delta Upsilon

17--Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Tau Epsilon Phi Sigma Omega Psi vs. Tau Delta Phi Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Epsilon P
