Seven scholarships awarded by the Boston Newsboys Protective Union the New England Federation of Harvard Clubs, the Harvard Club of Boston, and Charles Summer Bird '77 have been granted to members of the Freshman class.
The Newsboys prize was won by Charles Goldenberg of Mattapan, a graduate of the Boston Public Latin School. This award of $300 is given to a Freshman who has been a newsboy up to the time of admission to the University and who passed his entrance examinations with the highest average.
Gardiner Stuart Robinson of West Roxbury is the recipient of the $500 New England Federation of Harvard Clubs Scholarship. This award, the highest prize granted to a Freshman, is restricted to graduates of public or private New England schools. Robinson prepared at the Roxbury Latin School.
The Harvard Club of Boston granted four scholarships of $300 each to Freshmen who are graduates of public high and Latin schools, including Roxbury Latin, within a radius of 20 miles of the State House. The winners of these prizes are Edward Francis Goggin of Dorchester, Boston Latin; John Wilson Anderson Jr. of West Roxbury, Roxbury Latin; Harrison Graham Pope of West Roxbury, Roxbury Latin; and Lester Nelson Stanley of Somerville, Somerville High.
The Charles Sumner Scholarship, also of $300, given by Charles Sumner Bird '77 and granted on the same conditions as the Harvard Club of Boston award, was won by Robert Hamilton of Allston, a graduate of the Boston English High School.
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