

Membership Open to All Men Enrolled in the University--Candidates Report at Music Building

The University Instrumental Clubs will open their eighth season as an individual organization this evening when trials for all departments will be held at the Music Building from 7 to 9 o'clock. Membership in the Clubs is open to all members of the University, including Freshman and graduate students.

Five separate divisions comprise the organization of the Instrumental Clubs. These are the Banjo, Mandolin, and Vocal Clubs, the Gold Coast Orchestra, and the Speciality Division. The Banjo and Mandolin Clubs are the two oldest organizations, and are devoted to the playing of marches, popular tunes, and light classical selections. In order to make a more balanced program, however, the remaining divisions were added one after the other, four years ago. The Vocal Club, the first to join the two older clubs, is devoted to the singing of light numbers, college songs, and the like, and is not to be confused with the University Glee Club either in purpose or organization. The Gold Coast Dance Orchestra, with a rapidly rising reputation throughout the country, has enjoyed many successful seasons, both as part of the regular concert program, and as the furnishers of dance music on suitable occasions. The newest addition, the Speciality Division, has rapidly won an important place in giving unusual and attractive numbers to the Club programs throughout the concert seasons, such as ventriloquism, sleight of hand, soft shoe and clog dancing, musical specialities, and the like.

Busy Schedule Ahead

Having completed a most successful season last year both in local and more distant appearances, the Instrumental Clubs are now looking forward to another series of interesting and varied concerts. During the fall a few local concerts will be made such as the one in connection with the Yale Clubs on the eve of the game, a short trip to Fall River, and the annual appearance at Brattle Hall. The height of the season, however, will come during the Christmas vacation, for which time a trip through the west

ern and southern states is being planned. After midyears, the season will be concluded with a number of local concerts, and a few short trips to New York, and other nearby cities. The season is brought to a close about the middle of March, enabling the players to take up new activities for the spring.


All students of the University are eligible to try for membership in the Instrumental Clubs, but no men are elected to membership until they have completed one season of playing in one or more of the organizations. At elections, a candidate's willingness, interest, personality, and other qualities are taken into account as well as his playing ability, so that the Club membership may make up as congenial and interested body as possible
