With a total registration of more than 8,000 students expected this year in the University, the actual first day registration figures of 7,414, announced late last night through the University Office is well below the mark anticipated last week by the authorities. Although even the 100 or more late and special students expected to register within the next few days, will not bring the total up to 8,000, the present figures set a new enrolment record for the University. Last year the first day's total was 7,305, 109 less than yesterday's mark.
College Almost the Same.
The College, with 3,201 men thus far registered, is practically the same as last year. The registration in the College, by classes, was 951 Freshmen, compared with 932 a year ago. The total number of first year students in the Engineering School, 47, and the 951 Freshmen in Harvard College make a total of 998. Late registration will bring this figure to the prescribed limit of 1,000 set by the Faculty two years ago. The figures for the other classes are: Sophomores 808, compared with 876 in 1926; 757 Juniors, compared with 781 in 1926; and 601 Seniors, compared with 574 in 1926; 84 Out of Course students compared with 95 in 1926.
Opening day enrolment at the Law School showed a large increase with 4,518 students as compared with 1,353 last year, and includes a record first year class of 675.
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences showed a slight increase with 771 registrations as compared with 756 in 1926.
The Business School enrolled 27 more students than last year, the figures being 707 in 1927, and 680 in 1926.
Enrolment figures so far for the other departments of the University follow: Medical School, 503: Engineering School, 269; School of Education, 154; Dental School, 122; Architectural School, 62; School of Landscape Architecture, 51; Theological School, 33; School of Public Health, 13; Bussey Institution, 10.
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