With the publication of the September issue of "The Hound and Horn" a new publication appears upon the literary horizon of the University. This new magazine, a quarterly with the subtitle "A Harvard Miscellany" is to be devoted to creative work of a high standard. As a miscellany, quoting from the announcement which preceeds the present issue, "it will attempt to present not the aspect of a single department of group of departments in the University but the entire scene of undergraduate and graduate activity. Its pages will be open to creative work in any field and on any subject, provided that work is of a sufficient nontechnical nature to assure a general Harvard interest... The Hound and Horn, will supply a fresh medium of creative expression to all members of the University who desire it. The editors hope that contributions from all the graduate schools will be in good proportion to those from the college proper, and that Harvard men who have permanently left Cambridge will benefit us occasionally with contributions and criticism. It is the intention of the Hound and Horn to provide in a measure, a point of contact between Harvard and the contemporary outside world, both here and abroad. It will endeavor to represent Harvard's potential best, and it calls upon sympathetic subscribers, contributors, and critics to help it reach such a goal."
Any members of the University as well as graduates are invited to contribute stories, poems, essays, book-reviews, cuts of painting and sculpture or articles dealing with the music, architecture, sports and so forth.
"The Hound and Horn" is edited two members of the class of 1930 and the advisory board of the publication includes Conrad Aiken '11: Martin Mower '01: Professor K. B. Murdock '16, President W. A. Neilson of Smith College, and G. P. Winship '93.
The cover of the current issue of "The Hound and Horn" was designed by Rockwell Kent, and throughout, the magazine maintains a generally high artistic level.
It is sold at $50 a copy or $2 a year.
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