Until the members of the class of 1931 are sufficiently acquainted with the College and with each other to pick their own leaders and to manage their own affairs, the executive control of the class will rest in the hands of A. E. French '29. This is the first time that a Junior has ever been charge of Freshman affairs, the position having always been held by Seniors in the past.
The incoming Freshman class has for a number of years been under the official guidance of the Student Council until the election of Freshman officers, and the Student Council has been accustomed to entrust this guidance to some prominent and properly qualified upperclassman. The latter's chief duties are connected with the holding of dormitory and class elections, the affairs of the class demanding executive attention being few in the first half of the year. The dormitory committees, elected two or three weeks before the end of the football season, will help French in taking care of Freshman affairs until the election of the regular class officers and the appointment of the executive committee in February.
French was president of his Freshman class two years ago and last spring was one of the three Sophomores elected to the Student Council. He captained the 1929 firstling performers in last year's University
wise to learn early in his career. The Phillips Brooks House was built with funds contributed by a host of friends and admirers of Phillips Brooks. It was dedicated in 1901 in his memory to "Piety, Charity and Hospitality." With these three stones for a foundation the scope of its work has grown and is growing to include any and all service which may be of benefit to the students, the University or the Community. It has become the link between the store house of thought and action, that is the student body and the small world which surrounds it.
The work of the House is carried on by the Phillips Brooks House Association and is entirely in the hands of students. A cabinet, headed by an undergraduate president and made up of the chairmen of the various committees among which the work of the Phillips Brooks House Association is divided, determines the policies and practices of the organization. The Association is made up of the students who are participating in the work, and participation is the only requisite for membership. A graduate secretary lends his effort and advice to the work and to the cabinet. This is, in brief, the organization.
In the fall of the year, the first great effort of the Phillips Brooks House Association is in welcoming the new students and helping them to become acclimated. A Handbook containing condensed information on many subjects of interest to the new man is published and distributed until the depradations of upper classmen exhaust the supply. An information bureau is maintained in the parlors of the House during the week before registration. After registration, receptions are given for Freshmen, graduate students, and students from other countries. The work does not stop with receptions, however, and an "Open House" is held from time to time, particularly at Thanksgiving and Christmas. When the rush of opening week quiets down, the various functions of the Association begin to manifest themselves. The Social Service Committee helps all men who are interested in doing philanthropic work to find some outlet for their interest. About 200 Harvard men annually do work through this committee which varies in scope from Sunday School Teaching to Juvenile Court service. The
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First Sophomore Dinner Thursday