New Haven, Conn., June 8.--Attendance at Yale Chapel during the first year that it has been made voluntary here has, according to the opinion of the Reverend Mr. H. H. Tweedy of the Divinity School, been good and shows promise for the coming year.
"The numbers are good," said Mr. Tweedy recently, "and the record is encouraging. There is a widespread feeling that the services have been truly devotional and helpful, and that at least a few good things have been accomplished."
Attendance, according to Mr. Tweedy's figures, dropped off after Easter. The lowest figure recorded was 65, the highest 200, the latter number being on Memorial Day. The average daily attendance since Easter is estimated at 100 and for the entire year 125. About 500 different students attend chapel on the average of at least once a week. The average student attendance at Sunday chapel he estimates at 400.
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