

The following message on the opening of the new Fogg Art Museum from the department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton was received by the University Fine Arts Department yesterday:

"Whereas, in the opening of the new Fogg Museum on June 20, 1927, a new era has commenced for the division of Fine Arts, both in its function as a training school for museum workers, and in its curriculum that fosters so admirably an interest in Fine Arts among the undergraduates of Harvard, and through them in the American public in general:

"Resolved, that the Department of Arts and Archaelogy of Princeton University hereby place on record its profound satisfaction because of this happy increase in the facilities and opportunities in the division of Fine Arts at Harvard University, and here by offer its hearty congratulations to its sister department, conscious as it is, that by reason of the close and sympathetic cooperation of the two departments, the prosperity of the one so signally insured by the completion of the new Fogg, cannot fail to be a stimulus and encouragement to the other, and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be printed upon the minutes of the department, and transmitted to the division of Fine Arts of Harvard University."
