

Interior Courtyard to Be Scene of Ceremony--Lawrence and Grandgent to Assist in Dedication

The feature of the second day of Commencement Week will be the formal opening of the new Fogg Art Museum this morning at 11 o'clock. President Lowell will preside at the exercises which are to be held in the interior courtyard of the museum.

The exercises will include a prayer by the Right Reverend William Lawrence '71, former Bishop of Massachusetts, the reading of a poem by Professor C. H. Grandgent '83, professor of Romance Languages at the University and several selections by the Harvard Glee Club under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06.

Although admission to the exercises is by ticket only, the museum will be thrown open to inspection by guests immediately after the close of the dedicatory ceremonies and will be open to the general public tomorrow from 9 to 5 o'clock tomorrow. The doors will be opened at 10.30 o'clock this morning for those who have tickets for the opening exercises but will remain closed during the exercises.

The courtyard where the dedication is to take place is in the Italian traventine style and has a double arcade consisting of Doric pilasters below and lonic pilasters and columns above running around all four sides. The arcade is modeled on the front of the presbyter of the Church of the Madonna di San Bjazio at Monte Palciano.
