

Although excursions to Boston will doubtless now limit themselves to the exigencies of examination schedules and reviewing seminars, those who are blessed with leisure time and an appetite for cerebral drama will not go amiss by seeing Miss Le Gallienne and her little group of serious thinkers who have brought their varied wates to town important in itself Miss Le Gallienne's company is also indicative of a movement in the American theatre the revival of the repertory idea.

Repertory is, its belittlers will say, merely a glorified title for the "stock company" which flourished in full bloom in the pre-cinema era. Repertory is also, however, a glorified stock, for the plays presented under the Le Gallienne regime and in other similar organizations are produced with an eye which although not totally oblivious of commercial values considered the artistic taste of the public to be of a respectably high average.

The aim of the repertory system is to offer a rotation of a few good plays rather than long runs of a bad or at least undeserving ones. The Theatre Guild has tried it successfully in New York this winter and it that city, satiated with all, sorts and diversities of dramatic entrees can regulate itself to the selections on a pre-announced menu, others less fortunate in luxuries, can surely do the same. The reparatory plan is excellent in that it provides variably for both east and public and for members of the former it is certainly an asset, since no actor can be censured if after playing a role for hundreds of consecutive performances he grows a trifle weary and consequently, a trifle careless.
