A record entry of over 180 schoolboy athletes has been announced for the seventh annual Massachusetts High School track and field meet which is to be held in the Stadium Saturday. Competition in both track and field events is scheduled to start at 2 o'clock, and the meet will be run off regardless of weather conditions.
The meet, which has become a permanent fixture of Harvard post-season track events, is sponsored by the Harvard Athletic Association with a view to stimulating interest in track athletics among the high schools of Massachusetts which until recently have been behind those of the middle Atlantic and Western states in this respect. This year the meet is under the direction of T. E. Downey: of Commerce High, and C. E. Gaision '29, manager of the Freshman track team.
Brockton Hegemony Established
The competing schools are divided into two classes, the smaller ones and those which have recently taken up track composing class B. Brockton High has carried off the class A title for two years in succession, leading Dorchester last spring by a six point margin. Arlington placed first in the second division, leading Fairhaven by three points. Only nine events, including a half mile relay race, are listed, and individual entrants are allowed to compete only in one track and one field event and the relay. A 12 pound shot putt is the one weight event held, and instead of the usual hurdle events a special 120 yard low hurdle race is run off. The mile and two mile runs are also missing on the schedule of events.
H. A. A. Editor in Charge
S. DeJ. Osborne '26, manager of last year's University track team and present editor of the B. A. A. News, has been chosen referee of the meet, with H. W. Clark '23, assistant Graduate Treasurer, as Marshal, R. C. Floyd '10, former Harvard track manager, will again fill the position of clerk of course.
Several of the marks set in the class A division of last year's meet testify to the quality of competition which has been developed in the six years this gathering of schoolboy athletes has been held. New records in the quarter mile and in the 880-yard relay race were the features of last spring's contests. Smith of Brookline High did the quarter in 51 seconds and the Dorches for High quarter turned in a fast 1 minute 35 seconds for the half. Other outstanding performances were a 100 in 10 2-5 seconds by Trull of Lowell, a mark of 20 feet 7 inches by Crigas, of Brockton in the broad jump, and a height of 5 feet 10 3 8 inches in the high jump achieved by Chalmers of Medford High.
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