

And a little child shall lead them-a little girl child, dressed in white linen and lifting her head, blonde and bobbed, high above the multitude. Strong men shall weep and cameras shall click, for Christianity in the person of Uldine Utley is coming to the United States Fleet. When the sinning tar cries out "What shall I do to be saved"? his prophet will reply in soft feminine tones, histrionically imitative of the sensuous Semple McPherson and-of Sharon Falconer.

The gospal was never so charming. Other lady evengelists-older, less naive, more obviously theatrical-have argued the good cause before; they too have been moved to frensy before crowds which came for prayer and remained to discuss a personality. But none has so firmly established her message. Not without native guile is Uldine, for she bored the crew of the battleship Pennsylvania with no theological subtleties. "The sailors look so wonderful in their uniforms", she said-and the sins of five hundred middles bowed and bit the dust. What matter if only a paltry three men publicly acknowledged that they were converted by her preaching? What matter if the majority of them were apparently struck dumb before the brilliance of righteousness". They were all for one-and that one was the evangelical Uldine who admired the big guns and thought that sailors look wonderful in their uniforms.
