

Comptroller's Rules. Also Concern Outsiders--Parking of Motor Vehicles Prohibited on University Property

That students in the University are henceforth prohibited from parking motor vehicles on University property during certain hours of the day, and that failure to comply with certain parking rules will cost the offender a fine of $10 or more, chargable on term bill, was announced yesterday by University officials. In the last meeting of the Corporation it was voted that the Comptroller of the University should draw up a set of parking rules relating to undergraduate owned motor vehicles. Circulars explaining these rules will be distributed in several days.

Comptroller Announces Rule

The rules for parking announced by the Comptroller last night are:

1. Persons not connected with the University are prohibited from parking motor vehicles on property belonging to or controlled by the University.

2. All persons are prohibited from parking motor vehicles on University property between the hours of 11 o'clock at night and 7 o'clock in the morning.


3. All parking of motor vehicles on University property is prohibited at all times, except that, in certain designated areas between the hours of 7 o'clock in the morning and 11 o'clock at night, parking may be permitted to certain persons connected with the University.

4. Any person who has left a motor vehicle on University property shall remove the same if requested to do so by a properly authorized officer of the University or his agent.

5. Any student of the University who leaves a motor vehicle on University property contrary to the University Parking Rules is liable to a fine of $10 and a further fine of $2 a day for each succeeding day said Vehicle shall have been removed.

6. The University may, if it sees fit, have any motor vehicle which is parked on University property contrary to the rules, towed to a garage and stored at the owner's expense and risk.
