

Building Is to Be Four Stories High of Colonial Style--Dormitory on Top Floor, Grill in Basement

The final plans for the Manter Hall School's new building which will be located at the corner of Mount Auburn and Holyoke Streets have been approved and work will start immediately. The building which has been designed by the firm of Adden and Parker will be four stories high of red brick and will be architecturally in harmony with the colonial style now so prevalent throughout the University. Originally to be only three stories high, it was found that more room was necessary and the fourth floor which has been added to the plans will be given over entirely to dormitory rooms for students in the school.

The basement will be a grill room and the ground floor space will be rented to stores. The second and third floors will be used for classrooms with the main entrance leading to them opening onto Mt. Auburn Street.

Rectangular in shape, the building will have a front 88 feet long on Mount Auburn Street and 38 feet long on Holyoke Street. Building on this site will necessitate tearing down the old Dunster House Book Shop and the white frame building which had been the home of the Advocate and the Harvard Dramatic Club. These buildings are two of the oldest edifices in Cambridge. Both buildings contain many unique features, each as old hand made doors and board floors containing planks 18 inches wide.

With its removal to this new building, which it is hoped will be ready by the first of September, the school will place added stress on the preparation of boys for the entrance examinations.

The present Manter Hall School was founded by W. W. Nolen '84, who while in college showed his ability as a tutor. Soon after his graduation he gathered a number of men around him and started his schol which took on the nick-name of "The Widow."


His quarters were in Little Hall and it was on his death that the present staff moved into its quarters on Massachusetts avenue.

Contrary to the original announcement, Maurice Tiruski will not have his book store which was previously in Dunster House in the new building, but will probably set up an establishment elsewhere.
