The Junior and Sophomore class tennis teams, selected to play in the interclass tournament for the championship honors of the University, were announced last night. The appointment of John Orren Ross '29, of Redding, Connecticut, to the second assistant managership of the University tennis team, was also announced then. Frederick Irving Chase '29, of Brookline, Massachusetts, received the managership of the second team, and Malcolm Trowbridge Freeman '30, of Flushing. Long Island, the Freshman managerial position Ross will automatically become University manager in his senior year.
The class tennis tournament will get under way when the Juniors meet the Sophomores this afternoon The Senior and Freshman teams have not been selected. The champion team will receive the class numerals.
The two teams selected are composed of the following men: For the class of 1928 H. O. Sturgis, F. W. Lorenzen, W. P. Dobbins, I. B. Bayard, Yvelin Gardner, U. L. Driggs, and F. C. Scudder: for 1929 L. D. Wirth, J. M. Galanis, R. D. Bacon, R. B. Wells, D. M. Doten, and I. A. Dexter.
The tennis match scheduled for yesterday afternoon at Pxotor between the schoolboys and the University second team was called off on account of rain.
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