It can't keep on raining much longer. Merely taking into consideration the laws of chance-if such be not contradictious in terms-there must be a few sunny days soon; a few mornings when the fresh spring green of the landscape glistens with sparkling dew-drops; afternoons when the light blue haze hangs over the Yard; nights when a round silver moon peeps over the tree tops through its gossemer veil of clouds, etc etc. In other words, the authority of the CRIMSON'S weather line notwithstanding, it is whispered that optimism reigns among some of the denizens of Plympton Street.
Now of late, whenever the weather was nice-there have been such days the Student Vagabond has felt very little the student and very much the wanderer. In fact due to his pervailing optimism, and the fact that his brother has recently purchased a new car, the Vagabond has decided to quit the nine months dust of the lecture halls and be take himself-oh, anywhere. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, he can hardly give a prospectus of his whereabouts-although applicants for automobile rides will be considered, (Line forms to the right). So to make a short end of the matter, he herewith gives notice that his pen will not be seen again this year in the columns of this paper.
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