In the Woodrow Wilson $50,000 Prize Essay Contest, which closes October 1, 92 supplementary prizes, totalling $7000, will be awarded, it was announced yesterday by Mr. Henry Morgenthau Vice-President of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. This is in addition to the two first prizes of $25,000 each,to be awarded to the man and woman whom the jury decide to have written the best 2500 word essays on "What Woodrow Wilson means to me."
The supplementary prizes are arranged as follows: one second prize for men and one for women of $1000 each; 20 third prizes for men and 20 for women of $100 each; 25 honorable mention for men and 25 for women, carrying with them $20,00 each.
Trustees Vote Extra Awards
The extra awards were voted by the Trustees of the Foundation as the result of many letters received from educators, university professors and others, all over the country, who felt that such prizes would add greatly to the value and interest of the contest by providing contestants with a larger number of chances to win.
"Hearty approval of the Contest," said Mr. Morgenthau, "has come from all quarters. Such men as President Green, of the American Federation of Labor Governor Ritchie of Maryland, the Honorable John Spargo, and Mr. Haley Fiske, President of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, have not only endorsed the contest, but have cooperated actively. They have done so because they feel that this is not a scheme to create converts to the Democatic cause, but to broaden the outlook of our young men and young women with regard to principles and policies that far transcend in significance any division along party lines."
Prize folders giving complete details of the supplementary prizes, together with the rules of the contest can be obtained by writing to the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 17 East 42nd Street, New York City.
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