Sentimental feelings of satisfaction invariably follow announcements to the effect that a widow has been appointed in succeed her late husband in Congress, that one brother has been chosen for the place left vacant by the other's death, that one close friend is named to fill the shoes of a friend that is gone. With the news of the selection of James Lawrence '01 to the position on the Harvard Fund Council formerly held by the late John White Hallowell '01 comes that same satisfaction. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Hallowell were classmates and close friends at college and afterwards. Both were Harvard men to the core, leaders in their undergraduate days, leaders later among Harvard alumni. The new appointment is, however, more than sentimentally fitting, for Mr. Lawrence's record shows very clearly that he is the man for the place.
Just a year ago, in a letter to the President of the CRIMSON, Mr. Hallowell wrote: "Now that we have all acquired the 'booster' spirit, I expect to continue to sing the praises of the CRIMSON and its Board, the Student Council, the Dean's Office, the new athletic regime, and in fact, everything with a Crimson tinge. We will, of course, have occasion to criticize in the future, as in the past; Harvard would miss something of value if her undergraduates and Alumni did not criticise, but away with solely destructive criticism, and all hall to criticism of a constructive nature!" This progressive spirit which showed itself throughout Mr. Hallowell's life is safe in the hands of his forward-looking successor.
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