With the Freshman Jubilee only three nights off, the final arrangements have been completed, it was announced last night by T. F. Mason '30, Chairman of the Jubilee Committee.
With the exception of the ticket sale, all plans for the finale of the Freshman year for the Class of 1930, have progressed as in former years. According to statistics, however, tickets for over 300 couples had been sold at this time, for last year's Jubilee. Yesterday, the committee announced that but few more than 100 couple tickets have been sold up to date this year. All who plan to attend this year's Jubilee must buy tickets either today or tomorrow. Men will be posted in Smith, Standish, Gore, and McKinlock Halls between 12.30 and 2 o'clock on these days. Opportunity to purchase tickets will be over with the closing of the sales tomorrow noon. It it necessary that all purchase tickets immediately in order that invitations may be sent to the girls invited.
Patronesses Announced
The patronesses will be: Mrs. A. L. Devens, and Mrs. C. F. Lyman, head patronesses; and mesdames G. D. Binkhoff, Morris Brownell, F. F. Carey, Philip Dalton, Sherman Ewing, Richmond Fearing, Edward Grew, N. P. Hallowell, Robert Hallowell, P. M. Hamlen, Scoville Hamlin, C. L. Harding, James Lawrence, Delmar Leighton, A. Lawrence Lowell, Mathew Luce, John Noble, Franklin Roosevelt, F. W. Richardson, Richard Saltonstall, David Sears, P. S. Sprague, Richard Storey, Robert Summers, Edward Weeks, Ralph Williams, Thomas Wright, Rudolph Weld.
The final list of ushers follows: R. L. Summers and T. F. Mason, head ushers; R. H. Barbour, A. B. Bigelow, J. E. Barrett, F. T. Burgess, J. P. Davis, A. L. Devens, A. T. Gray, W. S. Hardie, Guy Holbrook, H. T. Holbrook, Barrett Hoyt, W. E. Hutton, F. P. Kinnicutt, G. L. Lewis, B. M. McArthur, James Roosevelt, W. T. Wetmore, Guthrie Willard and Craig Wylie.
Two Orchestras to Play
The Jubilee will begin prompty at 9 o'clock. Although the dance will be formal blue coats and white flannels are permissible. All entires will be made at the Boylston Street gate, and pass out checks may be obtained at the gate leading to Dunster Street.
Music for the dancing will be rendered by the Harvardians, and Hal Kemps and his Brunswick Recording Orchestra.
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