

Another evidence of the dissolution of that generation of men which started Harvard University on her tremendous nineteenth century expansion is marked by the resignation from the Corporation of Dr. Henry Pickering Walcott. As a friend of the late Charles William Eliot and in his various official capacities to the University Dr. Walcott has witnessed the development of the institution from one of centralized to national significance. Thirty seven years of service have placed him in a position where he may now survey the results of the efforts expended by him and his associates. And thirty seven years have given him the privilege of retirement.

Examination of Dr. Walcott's career indicates his tremendous vitality and his wide interest in all phases of Harvard University. It was he who officiated as acting President during the first year of this century. And as Overseer and Fellow he has been in close touch with the University government since 1887. His resignation, deserved though it is, is regrettable, for not only does it deprive Harvard of a man who has ever held its welfare as one of the great interests of his life but it also is one more milestone denoting the passing of a great group. The CRIMSON extends its gratitude to Dr. Walcott and the acknowledgement of its full appreciation of his labor.
