
Final Examinations to Start June 2 and Run to June 17

Crimson Prints Corrected Schedule of Examinations Announced by Faculty--Changes From List as Originally Published Are Few

THURSDAY, JUNE 2. (XI) Botany 14Botany, Mus. 27 Chemistry 5  Sever 20, 23 Chinese 2  Sever 26 Class. Philology 63  Sever 80 Economics 2  Harvard 2, 5 Engin. Sciences 5b  Pierce 304 English 41  Harvard 1, 6 Sever 5, 6, 11 English 80  Sever 11 Fine Arts 2n  Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 15b  Fogg Lect. Rm. German 1c  Sever 24 German 4  Harvard 3 Government 1 Mr. Bromage, B1, B2, B3, B4  New Lect. Hall Mr. Dealey, D1, D2, D3, D4  Memorial Hall Mr. Gregory, G1, G2, G3  Memorial Hall Mr. Houser, H1, H2  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Padelford, P1, P2.  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Hutchinson, R1, R2  New Lect. Hall Mr. Sinclair, S1, S2, S3, S4  New Lect. Hall Mr. Vickers, V1, V2, V3  Sem. Mus. 1 Government 22b  Sever 24 Greek G I  Sever 30 Greek 8  Sever 30 History 11  Emerson A, F History 16  Sever 17, 18 History 35  Sever 18 History 55  Sever 26, 29 Mathematics A IV  Sever 35 Mathematics C IV Mr. Robinson, sect. 1  Sever 36 Mr. Jonah, sect. 2  Sever 36 Mathematics 22b  Sever 35 Mineralogy 15  Geol. Mus. 22 Music 1a  Music Bldg. Music 4c  Sever 35 Philosophy 1  Emerson D Philosophy 29  Emerson D Physics 4b  New Lect. Hall Physics 6b  Emerson D Psychology 9  Emerson J Romance Philology 4  Emerson D Semitic 18  Emerson D Slavic 1a  Harvard 2 Social Ethics 9  Emerson J Social Ethics 29  Emerson J Spanish 2  Sever 18 Zoology 3  Pierce 110 2 P. M. Chinese 3  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 3b  Robinson Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 3. (VII) Chemistry 4  Sever 5 Chemistry 44  Sever 6 Chinese 1  Sever 6 Economics 3  Harvard 5, 6 Economics 11  Sever 11 English B  Sever 23 English 19  Sever 24 English 48  Sever 24 English 50b  New Lect. Hall English 73  Memorial Hall French 5 I  Sever 29 French 14  Sever 30 French 16  Sever 30 Geology 11  Rotch Bldg. German H  Sever 24 German 28  Harvard 2 Government 6  Sever 36 History 26  Sever 29 History 31  Sever 29 History 41  Sever 18 History 53a  Sever 30 Indic Philology 1b  Sever 17 Italian 4  Sever 35 Latin A  Sever 17 Latin 15  Sever 18 Mathematics A III  Sever 18 Mathematics D  Sever 35 Paleontology 3  Sever 36 Psychology A  Emerson D, J Psychology 5  Emerson A, F Slavic 5  Harvard 3 Social Ethics 3  Emerson F Zoology 6a  Harvard 2 2 P. M. Astronomy 1  New Lect. Hall Comp. Philology 1b  Emerson D French 13 hf.  Emerson D Spanish 1  Emerson D Social Ethics 28  Emerson D SATURDAY, JUNE 4. (II) Anthropology 1  Pierce 110 Chemistry 15  Sever 29 Chemistry 17  Sever 29 Class. Philology 34  Sever 30 Economics 5  Harvard 2, 6 Economics 10b  Harvard 3 Economics 41  Harvard 3 English 1  Sever 5, 6, 8, 11 Fine Arts 1f  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 2c  Sever 37 Fine Arts 2d  Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 13a  Fogg Lect. Rm. French 21  Sever 13, 14 Geology 17  Sever 30 German 1a I Dr. Cawley, sect. 1  Sever 1 Dr. Stevens, sect. 2  Sever 2 Government 19  Sever 18, 20 History 1 Mr. Cram. Conf. sect.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Gratwick, sect. 1 and Conf. sect.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Seramuzza, sects. 9, 13, and Conf. sect.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Strayer. sects. 10, 17 and conf. sects.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Taylor, sects. 4, 14 and Conf. sects.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Durand, sects. 6, 15, and conf. sects.  Memorial Hall Mr. Parkman, sects. 3 and Conf. sects.  Memorial Hall Mr. Post, sects. 8, 18, and conf. sects.  Memorial Hall Mr. McDonald, sects. 2, 19 and sects.  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Osborne, sect. 7 and conf. sects.  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Clark, sects. 5, 12  Harvard 2 Mr. Case, sects. 11, 16 and Conf. sects.  Harvard 5 History 4  Emerson F History 18  Sem. Mus. 1

Hygiene 1  Sever 23, 24, 26Italian 5  Emerson JLatin 8  Sever 17Mathematics A, I  Sever 36Mathematics 2, II  Sever 35, 36Mathematics 16  Sever 31, 35Mathematics 36  Sever 36Music 2  Emerson APsychology 31  Emerson JSocial Ethics A  Emerson A, DSocial Ethics 26  Emerson JMONDAY, JUNE 6. (VI)Botany 6a  Emerson ABotany 16  Emerson AComp. Philology 2a hf.  Emerson AFrench 3  Emerson DGeol. 18  Emerson FHistory 64  Emerson DMathematics 14b  Emerson A2 P. M. (XVIII)Comp. Literature 14  Harvard 2Economics 9a  Harvard 5Engin. Sciences 3  Pierce 302Engin. Sciences 8b  Robinson HallGerman B  Harvard 2History 5b  Harvard 5History 56  Harvard 5History 67  Harvard 2Semitic 14  Harvard 2TUESDAY, JUNE 7. (XII)Astronomy 2a  Astron. Lab.Biology A  Geol. Lect. Rm. New Lect. HallBotany 1  Harvard 2, 3Chemistry 11  Sever 1, 2, 7Class Philology 78  Sever 18Economics 1b  Emerson A. F.Economics 38  Memorial HallEnglish 28  Harvard 5, 6 New Lect. HallEnglish 29b  Sever 11English 83  Memorial HallGovernment 16b  Sem. Mus. 1Greek 2  Sever 30History 18  Emerson DHistory 52b  Sever 2History 68  Sever 29, 31History of Science 1  Emerson JItalian 1  Emerson JMathematics A V  Sever 35Mathematics C IMr. Hinrichsen, sect. 1  Sever 36Mr. Jonah, sect. 2  Sever 32Mr. Robinson, sect. 3  Sever 30Mathematics 3  Sever 18Music 4  Pierian Rm. Glee Club Rm.Palaeontology 1  Pierce 110Philosophy 4a  Emerson DPhysics D  Sever 17, 23, 24Physiology 2  Sever 8Romance Philology 3  Sever 5, 62 P. M.Education B  New Lect. HallFrench 6  New Lect. HallWEDNESDAY, JUNE 8. (III)Anthropology 5b  Sever 1Botany 7  Gray Herb.Coltic 2  Sever 30Chemistry 19  Sever 30Economics 7b  Sever 5, 6, 7Economics 31  Sever 29English 2  Harvard 2, 3, 5, 6French 9  Sever 23, 24, 26Geography 12  Sever 30German 1a II  Geol. Lect. Rm.German 2 I  Sever 11German 3b  Sever 30German 12b  Sever 18Greek B I  Sever 30History 10b  Sever 29History 12  Memorial HallLatin 12  Sever 18Mathematics A IIProf. Beatley, sect. 1  Sever 36Mr. Cutler, sect. 2  Sever 35Mr. Smith, sect. 3  Sever 35Mathematics C IIProf. Morse, sect. 1  New Lect. HallMr. Marden, sect. 2  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mr. Sommerville, sect. 3  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mathematics 4  Sever 17Mathematics 8  Sever 2Mineralogy 2  Mineral. Lect. Rm.Music 6  Memorial HallPhilosophy A Prof Demos, B1  New Lect. HallMr. Miller, M1, M2, X1  New Lect. HallMr. Perkins, B3, M3, X2  New Lect. HallMr. Cairns, C1, C2, C3, B2, X3  Emerson DMr. MacCallum, L1, L2  Emerson DDr. Underhill, U1, U2, U3, U4  Emerson JZoology 5  Memorial Hall2 P. M.Fine Arts 4a  Fogg Lect. Rm.THURSDAY, JUNE 9. (X)Chemistry 14c hf.  Emerson AMilitary Science 1  New Lect. HallMilitary Science 3  Emerson DNaval Science 1  Emerson D2 P. M. (XV)Chemistry 22  New Lect. HallFrench B  New Lect. HallMilitary Science 2  New Lect. HallMilitary Science 4  New Lect. HallSpanish 3  New Lect. HallFRIDAY, JUNE 10. (IV)Anthropology 11  Sever 6Chemistry A  New Lect. HallChemistry 3b  Sever 5, 6Chemistry 21  Memorial HallEconomics 14  Sever 6Engin. Sciences 7b  Pierce 307English 3b  Memorial HallEnglish 11b  Memorial HallFine Arts 1d  New Fogg Mus. Emerson DFrench 7  Emerson F, JGerman 1b  Sem. Mus. 1German 5  Sever 30German 7  Sever 23Greek 12  Sever 30History 6  Sever 24, 29History 9  Sever 11History 10a  Sever 29History 32b  Harvard 2, 3, 5, 6Latin B I, IIMr. Sherman, sect. 1  Sever 17Mr. Peterkin, sect. 2  Sever 18Latin 1  Sever 23Mathematics C III  Sever 35Mathematics 2 I  Sever 36Mathematics 5b  Sever 2, 7, 8Music 3a  Glee Club Rm.Philosophy 14b  Emerson APhysics 2b  Memorial HallPhysics 5  Sever 17Semitic 1  Sever 6Semitic 13  Sever 6Spanish 5  Sem. Mus. 1SATURDAY, JUNE 11. (XIII)Anthropology 2  Harvard 2Astronomy 2b  Astron. Lab.Astronomy 3  Astron. Lab.Chemistry 8  Geol. Lect. Rm.Chemistry 33  Sever 5Class. Philology 35  Sever 30Comp. Literature 6b  Emerson A, JEconomics ADr. Bober, B, N, Q  Memorial HallDr. Ham, A, J, S  Memorial HallMr. Chamberlin, C, F.  Memorial HallMr. Bigelow, P, X  New Lect. HallMr. de Chazeau, I, T, Y  New Lect. HallMr. Kreps, H, L, M, R  New Lect. HallMr. Taylor, O, W, Z  New Lect. HallMr. Johnson, E, K, V  Harvard 5Mr. White, D, G, U.  Harvard 6Economics 4b  Sever 24, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36English 39  Sever 11Fine Arts 1a  Fogg Lect. Rm
