


Batting averages mounted while fielding figures slumped during the past week of continual rain and loosely played ball games. The University nine carrying through its weekly schedule of three games despite inauspicious playing conditions rolled up a total of 22 runs and at the same time committed ten misplays afield. The entire total of miscues came in the last two games against William and Mary and Williams, in the first of which eleventh hour Crimson hobbles accounted to a large extent for the unexpected victory of the Southerners. In the contest at Williamstown last Saturday, Williard Howard '28, converted infielder, held the opposing hits well in check and succeeded in warding off any serious damage in spite of the frequent flaws in his support.

Having just tipped the 300 mark a week ago the Crimson slugging aggregate kept up its practice of batting opposing hurlers irrespective of clime or credentials and succeeded in boosting the team total to 304. The three leading hitters among the members of the regular nine all shoved their averages up and were largely responsible for the improvement in the mark set by the team as a whole. Donaghy continues not only to show the way to the rest of the University sluggers but also to better his own average. Already at the 400 mark before the Holy Cross encounter, he is now hitting at a 400 clip. Chauncey, whose opportune extra base smashes have proved a large factor in recent Crimson diamond success also raised his average, having reached 400 from his previous 383 position.

After maintaining a faultless defense against the desperate endeavors of the Holy Cross team last Wednesday, the University fielders showed the effects of wet grounds and slippery pellets in their next two games. The result was a drop in the former fielding figure of 963 to the present mark of 939. Individual averages suffered a like dropping off, the responsibility for the team's miscues being pretty evenly divided among the various players. Jones is the only player who has been in action regularly who has maintained a perfect fielding record.

Burns, the nimble Harvard center-fielder, continues in his avid quest of forbidden bases. With 26 successful attempts to elude the vigilance of opposing catchers to his credit, his total of stolen bases is within one of that of all the rest of the Crimson speedsters.
