An official American Delegation to the Soviet Republics is at present being organized by the Student Council of New York, affiliated with the student governments of the New York City colleges. This delegation is approved by the central student body of the Soviet Party. As yet not the full quota of Harvard representatives has been selected.
The purposes of this delegation may be outlined as follows:
Since so much of conflicting testimony has come out of Russia during the past years the Student Council of New York realizes that there is no way of determining the truth except by visiting Russia. With this in mind, delegates are wanted with those qualities which will make for various and open minded investigation. The delegation is to be composed for the most part of undergraduates who are authorized representatives of undergraduate associations, college forums and social science clubs. They are thus made to feel their responsibility to the groups which they represent to act as "reporters" upon their return to the United States in the fall.
Sailing dates have been completed. The main body will leave New York on the Mauretania on June 15, will spend eight weeks in Russia and two in Europe. Those who cannot sail with this group will sail on the Berengaria on June 29th, will spend six and a half weeks in Russia and two in Europe. The delegation will return to New York on September 8; making it a 12 week trip for the main group and a ten week trip for the late group.
Any men interested should get into communication with James Flexner '29, the Harvard member of the National Committee. He may be reached at 40 Randolph Hall, telephone University 3360.
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