This afternoon the University netmen will journey to Williamstown to engage the local representatives. The upstate six, although it has not played a great many matches this spring downed Yale 5-4 and will be sure to give Captain Whitbeck and his racquet wielders a close battle.
The teams that will play follow:
Harvard--J. F. W. Whitbeck '27, L. H. Gordon '27, P. N. Lenhart '27, B. H. Whitbeck '29, J. H. Appleton '29, Stephen Thompson '27.
Williams -- Marsh, Wolf, Banks, Sewall, Chase, Wright.
The 1930 tennis team will play against Longwood on the Longwood courts. The Freshman line-up will be: Hill, Ingraham, Ward, Winslow, Ware and Trask.
The University lacrosse team will meet Dartmouth on soldiers Field this afternoon. The Freshmen stickmen who played Springfield Y. M. C. A. yesterday, were defeated 5 to 3 at the hands, of their better conditioned opponents. The 1930 team excelled on the whole, however, in stickwork.