At a recent meeting of the Circolo Italiano the election of officers for next year took place. They are: J. J. Loggiano '29, president, J. W. Cox '28, first vice-president, Barrett Williams '28, second vice-president, D. M. Beals '29, third vice-president, James Roosevelt '30, treasurer, and A. P. Caprio Jr. '29, secretary.
The Circolo Italiano, encouraged by its increase in membership to 115 men during the past year, has broadened its field of activity to include a number of new interests. The most important of these is the founding of a special scholarship at an Italian University for an American student. This scholarship will be awarded in the hope that it will be an incentive toward international friendship as well as a stimulus toward greater general culture among the students who are eligible for it. As yet it has not been made a permanent award but the Circolo hopes to be able to continue it throughtuot the next few years.
The society's home activity has consisted in starting the formation of an orchestra and a dramatic society. This past year has been spent in planning these organizations and the members will start actual work in the new dramatics and musical fields next year.
At the club meetings which have ben held at regular intervals the discussion has centered mainly around the works of the great masters in the Italian Renaissance. The organization feels that by many informal and intimate discussions it can fulfill a need which is not met elsewhere in the University.